Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An addendum to the first post

I've got a few more things to add to the first post, I guess.

Lets see, where to begin. I guess I will be sort of random as things have been random as of late. I've been working on my resume and have sent it out to a couple of places. Radio is really what I want to do and where I want to stay, but there are such few open jobs out there that it may just not be an option for me right now, and that really sucks. I've spent a joyous decade inside the business and really love it with all my heart. I think that I've got some ability and it makes me a bit scared that there may just be nothing out there right now and I may be 'forced' into another path. Which, don't get me wrong, could be great. It could be where my life is 'supposed' to go. But, for now, I really just miss radio and want to be back doing it.

With this being my first rodeo with unemployment it amazes me how slowly the system works and how unhelpful it can be. I went in right after I was fired. I filled out the paperwork. Sat down and waited. They called my name and I thought I was going to go and talk to a person. Nope. I went and sat down at a computer and input the same info that I had just filled out on the paper into the system and was given a confirmation # and told to call in on Sunday, that I would find out my benefits then. Well, I call in that Sunday and nothing. They tell me to call back Monday. I was busy on that Monday (lawyers-whee!) and decided that I'd just go into the office itself Tuesday as that should be easy and helpful. WRONG. I went in and the woman told me that: a) it would be at least 3-4 weeks before i'd know if I'm going to get benefits, b) I had to keep calling in weekly regardless until they make their determination, and c) every other question I asked she was either rude or just plain unhelpful. I left feeling crappier about myself and the situation. Which, who knows, maybe is their point. Make people feel so bad walking out of the unemployment office that they don't want to go back? I doubt this is the case, most likely the woman was just a shit and unhelpful. So that blows.

On a better note, this past weekend was my weekend with my son. We had a blast. Went to the park and played. He LOVES the swing set and was on those things forever. He also loves going on the slide and we went down that together a bunch. We also colored a lot and played with his cars and read. And-and this just is the best thing in the world-at bath time he would not go into the tub unless i went with him. So, I get in and he decided-on his own- that he was going to clean me. I gave him the little foaming soap and he just went to town. He mostly did my knees, feet, arm and beard. At one point he told me to 'turn around' and did my back as well. It was so cute and so awesome. I loved it.

Oh well...Finally, I have to make a plug for Hulu.com. It's the single greatest website in the entire world. If I'm not careful, it's going to seriously challenge my job searching. It's just the most wonderful thing ever. I've been hammering through like 4 or 5 episodes of "Arrested Development" every night and fighting the urge to watch during the day as well.. Just do yourself a favor and check it out. It's going to totally kill your productivity at work, but it's worth it. It rules.

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